Letzte Nachrichten


Ongoing DDoS attack

Please be patient


DNS problems

Service is restored now


Your Freedom and log4j

YF is not affected


New client version 20210618-01

Yes, please update.

Nicht angemeldet.

  • PayPal payment problems solved

    PayPal payments are now processed near-instantly again, i.e. normally within less than a minute. We have been able to find a way to make IPNs (instant payment notifications) reach us again.

    Are you interested in a little bit of background? Well, it seems that they have implemented a new outbound protection mechanism on their internal network, a fancy firewall that blocks access to evil domains like those belonging to VPN services. It does block web access, and it does block outbound email notifications. Great, isn't it? Whoever has come up with this idiocy is probably very proud of it. I had some very miserable days because of this, and I know that it has caused a lot of trouble for our customers, i.e. you. Sorry about that, but it wasn't us!

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