User Guide
      Video tutorial
      Working Applications
      Using DNS mode
      Using ECHO mode
      Using PPTP
      Using SOCKS5
         Safari (OS X)
      Instant Messaging
      Internet Mail
      Multimedia Apps
      Forex trading
      FTP Tools
      Proxy Helpers
      OpenVPN mode
      Mobile connections
      Connection sharing
      External Information
      Country information
      Payment methods
      Account disabled
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Mozilla, Firefox, Firebird

This is the guide for Mozilla 1.6, but all Mozilla & Netscape Browsers are configured pretty much the same.

Start the Mozilla browser:

Select: --> Edit --> Preferences

Click on "Advanced" and then on "Proxies".

Configure as shown in the Image below:


Once you configure Mozilla Mail with all your account settings, you can automatically use it without any further configuration to be done. It uses the same settings. (This is not true for Thunderbird.)


Internet Explorer

This is done based on Internet Explorer 6, but the older ones are pretty similar, if not the same.

-> Start the Internet Explorer

Select: Tools -> Internet Options

Click on "Connections" Tab, then click on "LAN Settings".

Then enter Information as below:


This description is based on Opera 9.23, but others should be much the same.


1. Start Opera Browser.

2. Select Tools > Preferences.

3. Click on 'Advanced' tab, choose 'Network' then click the 'Proxy servers' button.

4. Configure as shown in the image below.


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