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Welcome to the Frequently Asked Questions.
We have tried to answer the most common questions here - if you don't find an answer here, please have a look at the forums as well. If that does not help either, please ask your question in the forums or send an email to support@your-freedom.net and we will try to answer it promptly.
This page only shows FAQs that are not categorized so far (if there are any); please use the menu on the left to choose your category.
 Why are some servers only available to BasicFreedom, EnhancedFreedom and TotalFreedom users?
Servers cost money. Some servers cost more than others. Some of our servers are very expensive and at the same time have limited resources. We want to ensure that these servers and their resources are for the benefit of those who allow us to offer these servers despite their cost: the ones who pay for them. Most of our servers are available to everyone, and it will stay that way. If you would like to use the ones that are not available to FreeFreedom users, please consider helping us to pay for them by paying us. To find servers that are available to FreeFreedom users, please refer to our server statistics page. Servers belonging to server group "free" are available to everyone.
 I can't write to the forums!
We only permit this for user accounts that have not just freshly been created. Just wait a few days.
 I don't want to be automatically connected to a server in the US. How can I connect to a European server (and vice versa)?
Go to Status -> Actions -> Configure -> Server Connection -> Options -> Automatically select best server
The YF client will connect to the server which has been specified as your initial YF server (e.g. emsXX.your-freedom.de, XX between 01 and 11). The actual server location is displayed in Status -> Connection -> Server located in.
 Why is my package listed with a value of 0.00 EUR and I can't cash it in?
Most likely because you haven't paid for it or at least it does not have a cash value (for example, packages created using vouchers cannot be cashed in).
Also, when we combined all different ways how we stored packages, some of the tables did not have a stored value or a price. This is especially true for those that were processed manually in the past. Of course your paid-for package does have a price and a value, but there's no way how we can figure it out without you telling us. If you wish to trade in one of these packages and you still have the purchase details, please contact our support team and we'll fix it for you. Note that this only applies to packages bought before September 2006!
 Why do I get "server says: connection timed out" messages? I'm a paying user!
The message is misleading and has nothing to do with your account type or the server not liking you.
Both client and server send "ping" frames to each other every now and then. If one end hasn't seen a "ping" from the other for a while, it will first time out the connection, then if two-way communication could not be re-established, also the session. If there is a slight chance that the connection still works in the other direction, a notification frame is sent to the other end in order to get the connection back up as quickly as possible. If nothing worked for approximately 200 seconds, the session is timed out and another notification sent (the one that results in the message above).
Imagine your client is still able to see frames coming from the server, but the server doesn't see your client anymore. It can't reconnect to your client, obviously, so it tries to notify the client, and the client can then reconnect. If that doesn't work either but the server can still speak to the client through an older connection that only works one-way, you will see this message. It means that it was not possible to connect to the server in a way that the server actually sees your data.
In short, you see this message because your server connection has failed persistently in one direction. If you see it often, try another connection protocol (e.g. try "CGI" or "FTP").
 I'm a TOTAL user and still can't get enough throughput!
TOTAL users really do not have any imposed bandwidth restrictions,
and our servers should be able to provide 10 Mbit and more of
bandwidth to you. However there are some things that you need to
take care of in order to obtain the best possible throughput.
- Adjust the uplink and download speed
It may seem silly to reduce the setting in order to obtain
a better throughput, but it's not if you think about it. If the
transport connection saturates your Internet connection, data
will be queued somewhere in a router or a DSL modem, and in
the worst case packets will be dropped and need to be
retransmitted. If the data gets queued inside the YF client and
server instead, something can be done about the order in which
data is sent, and urgent data can be put upfront. It is most
important that you carefully adjust the uplink slider to a
value just below your line speed (e.g. if you have a DSL
connection with 192 kbit/s uplink speed, set it to 185 kbit
or something like this). This may help the downlink side as
well because ACK frames may be queued upfront by the client!
- Tweak the TCP Window Size setting of your Operating System
The TCP protocol used by the HTTP and HTTPS (and CGI) connection
schemes allows only a certain amount of data to be sent by the
other end before an acknowledgement is received. This can be a
problem for throughput where high-bandwidth networks have long
turnaround times. For example, if packets need 100 ms to travel
one way between you and our server and 100 ms for the other direction
as well, and there can only be 16 kBytes (Windows default) of
data outstanding without acknowledgement, throughput will be at
most 80 kBytes per second.
XP allows a maximum value of 65535, and the default is something
around 17000. The optimal value is determined by your MTU (maximum
transfer unit, i.e. the maximum packet size) on the path between
our server and your PC. Normally this would be 1500, but with DSL
type connections it's normally 1492. Take this value, subtract
the IP and TCP header size (40), then divide 65535 by this number.
Cut off the decimals, then multiply by this number again.
1500 - 40 = 1460
65535 / 1460 = 44.886986
44 * 1460 = 64240
For this scenario, 64240 is the optimum TCP window size. If you are
unsure about your path MTU use 65535, the worst thing that can
happen is that every 44th IP packet contains a little bit less
payload than possible.
For Windows, this setting can be changed in the Registry.
Click on Start, then Run, then type in "regedit" and hit Enter.
Locate this key in the tree:
There should be a key called "TcpWindowSize"; if not, create it
as a DWORD. Set it to the value calculated above (or simply 0xffff),
then (it's Windows after all!) reboot.
For other operating systems have a look at this page.